Desert Sky Marketing
I received the following mail from Dustin, the admin of DSM today:
We now have an exclusive membership at MaximumSurfing for DesertSky Marketing members only!
Members of DesertSky Marketing who join MaximumSurfing on Tuesdays or Saturdays (server time - EST) will be placed in the special DesertSky Marketing forced matrix. This benefits DesertSky Marketing AND the member of DSM!!! DSM will earn commissions on all the members who join; this creates an additional income source. Also, members of DSM who join will automatically have a downline built for them! This is a win/win situation for everyone. Depending on which membership type you choose, you will earn commissions five or six levels deep.
Sign-up steps:
Make sure to join MaximumSurfing on a Tuesday or Saturday (server time - EST). These are the only two days where anyone who joins are assigned to the DesertSky Marketing downline!
Make sure that you upgrade with the DesertSky VIP packages ONLY!!! After you add money to your account, GOTO "Upgrade Account" in your members area, there will be two exclusive packages for DSM members. Each with a DSM VIP heading. Pick your membership level and you are ready to go!
You will never have to fear about
MaximumSurfing shutting down. MaximumSurfing was designed for stability, launched on February 28th 2006 and is here for the long haul. The MaximumSurfing network is a ZERO RISK network. MaximumSurfing also has a forced matrix in place. There are many other benefits of MaximumSurfing and some have been added exclusively for members of DesertSky Marketing. Every month there is a cash drawing for all paid members to receive a pre-paid visa gift card ($50 +). There are also surf cash bonuses and many different games you can play in the MaximumSurfing forums and in other forums as well. Each month, anyone in the downline of DesertSky Marketing Admin (Dust) will be entered in a special drawing to receive FREE UPGRADES IN DSM!!! This money will be paid directly to DSM and added to your account. These are just a few of the benefits of the program.
After joining MaximumSurfing, you will receive a signup link to MaximumADZ. This is their Paid To Surf addition to the Maximum Network. MaximumADZ pays 3% for 40 Days. This network is different from most others. 100% of the income you will make is, and will always be, accounted for. All income is taken in right from their our own network.
Help support DesertSky Marketing by helping to create another REAL income stream! Remember to join MaximumSurfing on TUESDAYS or SATURDAYS (EST) only.
DesertSky Marketing